What's new in Angular 10

22/Jan/2025 | 5 minutes to read

Angular 10 is here!

Angular is very popular application design framework and platform to design sophisticated and efficient Single Page Applications (SPAs) among developers. Angular is upgrading regularly to provide some new features and development environment.

Angular 10 is here! This upgrade to Angular 10 is not about new features But It focus on entire Platform including tools, design framework, Angular Material and Angular CLI. It's a major release of Angular. Angular 9 released few months back so Angular 10 is small as compare to other previous releases of Angular.

What's new in Angular 10 Release

Upgrade to Angular has following new features:

New Date Range Picker

New Data Range Picker is provided in Angular Material, you can select date range within one open calendar.
You can include this new date range picker by following components. mat-date-range-input and mat-date-range-picker. You can find more about it Here

CommonJS imports warnings

CommonJs is a standard from 2009 that established some conventions for JavaScript Modules. It was primarily designed for server side applications not for browser use. With CommonJS you can create modules, export and import them in other modules.
To ensure bundler should optimize your application performance then avoid using CommonJS modules and allow ECMAScript module syntax in your application.
Starting with Angular version 10, you will get warnings when you are using any of these CommonJS bundles. Once you see any warning let know your dependency to prefer ECMAScript module (ESM) bundle.

Optional Strict Settings for new projects

Up to Date Ecosystem

There are some updates to Angular dependencies to stay synchronized with JavaScript ecosystem. These updates include:

  • Update TypeScript to version 3.9
  • Update TSLibto version v2.0
  • Update TSLint to version v6
From Angular version 10, Project layout also has been updated as you will see one new file tsconfig.base.json. It provides the better support for IDEs and build tooling resolve type and package configurations.

New Default Browser Configuration

Deprecations and Removals

Lesser Defects

Angular Team is continuously working on fixing existing issues in the Framework and dependencies. They have resolved many issues in past few months across framework, components, dependencies and CLI etc.

Update to Angular version 10

You can update your application to Angular 10 by running below command in your terminal.
ng update @angular/cli @angular/core If you have not updated your application to Angular 9 then it's recommended to first check about Angular 9 Ivy Project, It's default rendering engine. For more update guide you can visit Angular 10 official document

Angular 10 Resources

Angular is very popular design framework and development Platform to develop efficient single page applications. You can find some interesting interview questions for all versions of Angular here Angular Interview Questions