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Top 30 GoLang Interview Questions and Answers

26/Oct/2021 | 8 minutes to read


Here is a List of essential Golang - Go Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and mid level of Experienced Professionals. All answers for these Golang - Go Programming Language questions are explained in a simple and easiest way. These basic, advanced and latest Golang - Go Programming Language questions will help you to clear your next Job interview.

Golang - Go Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers

These interview questions are targeted for Go Programming Language, an open source project. You must know the answers of these frequently asked Golang interview questions to clear the interview.

1. Explain something about Golang.

Go programming language is an open-source programming language developed at Google. It is similar to C language but with some additional features such as Garbage collection, memory safety, CSP-style concurrency and structural typing. It is referred to as Golang because it's domain is
Golang is emerged as an alternative to Java and C++ for the development of distributed systems. It is a great fit when you want to develop a small MicroService very quickly. it's very easy to learn for developers with existing programming skills.

2. How will you verify that you have installed the Go successfully on your machine?

You can verify the Go installation by the command below in the command prompt. This command should give you installed versions of Golang.
$ go version

3. What features does Golang provide?

Go Programming language comes with some unique features which make it unique and easy to learn.
  • Simple and Understandable - Go language is easy to learn and simple to understand. It does not include any unnecessary feature means containing only required features. It does not matter how large is the code base but every single line is understandable and readable. Designers of Go kept simplicity, readability and maintainability its priority while developing this project.
  • Powerful Standard Library - Go has all required collections of libraries or packages which makes writing the code easier. You can find all the package details here Go Standard library.
  • Concurrency Support - Golang provides good support for concurrency. You can implement concurrent programming via Go Routines or Channels in an easier way than other programming languages. It takes the advantage of a multi-core processor architecture and efficient memory management.
  • Static Type Checking - Go compiler makes sure that code is type safe and all type conversions are taken care of. It reduces the chances of errors at runtime.
  • Binaries - Go generates binaries for your applications with all required built-in dependencies. Binaries allow non-Go users to install tools written in Go language very quickly without installing Go compiler , runtime or package manager.
  • Good Testing Support - Go provides support to write unit test cases parallel with your code. You can also check code coverage and write code examples which are helpful to generate code documentation.
For more visit Go Programming Language Key Features.

4. What basic data types does Golang provide?

Go language provides these basic data types:

  • bool
  • string
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
  • byte // alias for uint8
  • rune // alias for int32
  • float32 float64
  • complex64 complex128
  • For more refer Go Basic Types

5. What is the size of int (not int8 or int16)?

If you are programming on a 32 bit system then int, uint, and uintptr are usually 32 bits wide and 64 bits wide on 64-bit systems.

6. How to find the number of CPU Cores used by the current process using Golang?

You can use the NumCPU method of the runtime package to determine the number of processors used in the current process.

    package main
    import (
    // Main function
    func main() {

    // Get number of processors using the NumCPU function

7. How to determine the type of a variable or an object in Golang?

You can use 'fmt' or 'reflect' package or Type Assertions to determine the type of a variable or an object. For more visit Determine the type of variable or object.

8. What is rune in GoLang?

Strings are made of bytes or characters. GoLang uses bytes to define strings and uses UTF-8 encoding standard so any valid character can be defined using "code points" in Unicode. Rune is a new term in Go Language that represents this code point. Go uses UTF-8 encoding so type int32 can be aliased as Rune.
A string can be converted to an array of runes using Rune function. Rune and byte values are the same for ASCII characters.
For more visit Rune in Golang.

9. What is the use of the runes package? Explain 'Map' function.

In Go programming language, runes is a package which provides transformation functions for UTF-8 encoded text. For more about the runes package, visit runes pkg.
Map function provides you a Transformer, which is responsible to map the runes in input string based on defined mapping. For more visit Map function.

10. Explain Map data structure in Golang.

Golang provides the concept of Map that internally implements Hash Table. It can store any type that is comparable and ValueType. Map types are reference types like slices or pointers. For more visit Map in Go.

11. Differentiate Array and Slice in Golang.

12. What is runtime? Explain runtime package.

In Go language, runtime is a library used by programs at execution time. It manages the memory, garbage collector and go-routine scheduler etc. It is not a full runtime environment like CLR in C# and JVM in Java. For more about go runtime visit go runtime.
The runtime package provides you operations which interact with go runtime such as to control the garbage collector, scheduler and goroutines, etc. For more visit runtime package.

13. What is the interface? Why do we use it?

14. What do you understand about the function Closures?

15. Explain the concept of Concurrency and Parallelism in Golang.

16. How will you differentiate Concurrency and Parallelism?

17. Explain the concept of Goroutines and Threads.

18. What is the use of Channels in Golang?

19. How to handle errors in Golang?

20. What is the sync package?

21. What is the use of WaitGroup?

22. How will you differentiate WaitGroup from channels?

23. How will you increase the number of processors to support parallel programming?

For more visit Concurrency, Goroutines and GOMAXPROCS.

24. How to develop MicroServices in GoLang?

25. What is the service package in Golang?

26. Explain Singleton Design Pattern in Golang.

27. What is runtime? And How Go programs are compiled?

For more visit Runtime.

28. What is the use of structs in Golang?

29. Is Golang object oriented? Why does it not have the concept of classes?

30. If you don't define the capacity in slice then what will be the default capacity?

Some General Interview Questions for Golang - Go Programming Language

1. How much will you rate yourself in Golang - Go Programming Language?

When you attend an interview, Interviewer may ask you to rate yourself in a specific Technology like Golang - Go Programming Language, So It's depend on your knowledge and work experience in Golang - Go Programming Language.

2. What challenges did you face while working on Golang - Go Programming Language?

This question may be specific to your technology and completely depends on your past work experience. So you need to just explain the challenges you faced related to Golang - Go Programming Language in your Project.

3. What was your role in the last Project related to Golang - Go Programming Language?

It's based on your role and responsibilities assigned to you and what functionality you implemented using Golang - Go Programming Language in your project. This question is generally asked in every interview.

4. How much experience do you have in Golang - Go Programming Language?

Here you can tell about your overall work experience on Golang - Go Programming Language.

5. Have you done any Golang - Go Programming Language Certification or Training?

It depends on the candidate whether you have done any Golang - Go Programming Language training or certification. Certifications or training are not essential but good to have.


We have covered some frequently asked Golang - Go Programming Language Interview Questions and Answers to help you for your Interview. All these Essential Golang - Go Programming Language Interview Questions are targeted for mid level of experienced Professionals and freshers.
While attending any Golang - Go Programming Language Interview if you face any difficulty to answer any question please write to us at Our IT Expert team will find the best answer and will update on the portal. In case we find any new Golang - Go Programming Language questions, we will update the same here.